Fire service medals

The City of Wanneroo Fire Service gears up to recognise another round of volunteer firefighters, with long service medals to be presented to the city’s highly-regarded bushfire vollies.
The City of Wanneroo has established a medal protocol over several years with several iterations of their medal – in gold, silver and copper bronze. A token we’ve been privileged to help design and manufacture for well over a decade.
The city encompasses an area of 684 square kilometres. The local Volunteer Bushfire Brigades there provide a fire prevention and suppression service for the municipality with the exception of areas under the care and control of the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) and the gazetted fire districts controlled by the WA Fire and Rescue Service.
The bush fire fighting area consists of coastal dunes and gently undulating sand country with numerous outcrops of limestone and caprock. The vegetation of the district includes large areas of pine plantations, swamps, heavy bush areas, rural properties and buildings.
The City of Wanneroo Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade consists of four brigades with about 165 volunteer members who work rostered times 12 months of the year. Assistance is given to the WA Fire and Rescue Service and DPaW when requested.
Service medals struck by local and regional governments are becoming more of a norm, as more and more recognition is given to those who put their lives on the line for no reward, other than their knowledge that serving with dedication to their communities.
Thinking of organising a medal of your own? Click here.
Important: Sorry. We cannot and will not, sell copies of any metal craft we make to anyone other than the original client.